Beloved family, good friends, laughter and tears - these things make up the ordinary life of Kaname Madoka, a second year student of Mitakihara City Middle School. One night, Madoka dreams of a mysterious dark haired girl struggling against a terrible evil; the next morning she discovers that the girl, Akemi Homura, has transferred into her class. This encounter will lead to an incident which will alter Madoka's fate forever.
When I first saw this anime come out a couple months ago just by looking at the title I just wrote it off as a 'cute girls doing cute things' stereotype that has been hanging around since “K-on!” came out. After watching Madoka, I couldn't have been anymore wrong with my theory about it, and it is far from being a show revolving around girls doing cute things. Moving on to Madoka, what I liked most about the show was the plot and the way each character in the show was portrayed. Not very often do you watch a show where every character has a unique personality that makes each character unique.Most anime nowadays just keep throwing generic character types that we have seen a thousand times over and over, I am too lazy to type out but getting back to the point. Madoka excelled at breaking the usual mold of characters, and having a unique blend of personality that anybody could like about any of the characters in this anime. The story does a great job of keeping you in suspense throughout the whole series. Not once was I right about what was going to happen next in the series.
Like most anime with 12 episodes there's very small room for mistakes if you want it to be one of the best anime of all time, and Madoka doesn't have any really huge flaws. There are a few personal gripes that I did have however. I didn't like how the animation was at first, but it does seem like it grew on me or they just did a better job with animation as the series kept progressing. I really didn't like the way the witch’s worlds looked either. They looked like they were drawn by somebody who was smoking or doing something mind altering. However the animation for the witches was relatively decent. Other than those little things that I had a problem with, the show is flawless in every other aspect of the series.
Anybody who watches anime on a daily basis owes it to themselves to watch Madoka as it will probably change your view on how Mahou Shoujos work. Even though the whole landscape of the genre will probably not be fluctuated too much by this show. I can see some creative people looking outside the box just like this anime did and truly make a unique show instead of it being just girls doing cute things. This didn't really bother me, but the whole show can be pretty depressing so if you can't handle being depressed then don't bother watching this show, if you are a human with normal feelings it will make you depressed. Since I couldn't put this in an earlier paragraph I will put it here. The ending is truly a work of beautiful art, and I have not seen such a good ending like this one since Code Geass ended. I could go on, and on about how good this show is, but honestly just watch it for yourselves, and you will see how good this show really is.
5/5 |
Studio: Shaft Genre: Drama/Magic Episodes: 12
Original Run: Jan 7, 2011 to Apr 21 2011 Language: Japanese with Subs
Article by: MDB
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